Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Meatball Gravy

Meatball gravy, who does not know this very popular food. Meatball is a mixture of meat, eggs, and flour to be dull and shaped like a sphere, then boiled using boiling water. 

Currently, meatballs are known in various circles, ranging from among children, adolescents, adults, even parents as well as grandmothers and grandparents now. Meatballs are now a lot of variations, there are names bakso bakar, fried meatballs, meatballs beranak, puncture meatballs, meatball gravy, and many more other meatballs variations.

Meatballs from the past until now it has never faded popularity from time to time, there are always various types of variety offered. But what we will discuss this time is Bakso Kuah. One of the most legendary meatballs in all these circles. We will discuss how to make this meatball gravy.

Eggs mixed with tepunng dough and meat later, eggs serve as a dough adhesive, if no eggs, then the dough will not be formed, therefore the use of telu very important role in the process of mixing the dough.

In addition the eggs are also used for stuffing meatball soup, and it feels very good, so all circles are addicted to this meatball. Usually egg stuffing meatballs are bigger than meatballs that have no stuffing, given that the eggs are round, but the traders more often split the egg into two parts for the meatball stuffing.

Finely chopped beef, before that beef is cut into square shape, then in a smooth milled as it looks like the picture above.

For the meat itself, we must really choose the meat of good quality and hygienic. So that the meatballs that we will make does not change taste.

Flour to be mixed into the ground meat, the function is to make the beef more dense and more chewy. Flour used to make this meatball is kanji starch, this starch kanji serves to mengenyal the meatballs that will be made later.

The flour to be mixed into the flesh must be completely dull, so the meatballs that will be made there is no flour that clumps in the meatballs later.

A mixture of meat, flour, and eggs that have been stirred and mixed flat / kalis. This will be formed round and that's what called meatballs.

In the process of rounding must take patience, because the dough may not be formed and can be leak and destroyed. Therefore must need patience and extra patience.

Spherical meatballs that have been formed, should be immediately inserted in a pot containing water. Water must also be boiling, function so that the meatballs can be quickly cooked and ready to serve.

Meatballs that have been given various mixes. Like the critical noodles, vermicelli, celery and sauce, of course. Meatball is good to eat at a leisurely time, let alone eaten in the rain.
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Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

Tugas U 1 Teori X TKJ

Tulis tugasnya pada komentar postingan ini

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Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Wisuda Fadhillah Lutfi Muzhafar MDA

mengikuti Wisuda MDA pada 26 Mei 2016 di Lapangan sepak Bola Sport Center. Wisuda ini adalah se Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi yang dilakukan langsung oleh Bapak H. Sukarmis, selaku Bupati Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi.

Rangkaian wisuda diawali dengan pawai peserta dengan membawa kelompok kecamtan masing-masing. Setelah selesai pawai kemudian dilakuan rangkaian kegiatan di dalam lapangan dan diakhiri pengukuhan wisuda.

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Selasa, 19 April 2016

Mengikuti Workshop “ Penyusunan Manual dan Prosedur Mutu diintegrasikan dengan Instrumen Akreditasi Sekolah

Saya selaku wakil manajemen mutu SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantanmengikuti Workshop “ Penyusunan Manual dan Prosedur Mutu diintegrasikan dengan Instrumen Akreditasi Sekolah" yang diadakan oleh Delta PAS pada tanggal 1 s/d 3 September 2015

Materi seputaran manual mutu, prosedur mutu, SOP dan bagaimana menintregasikan dengan instrumen akreditasi (8 standar pendidikan).

Peserta yang mengikuti sebanyak 20 dari berbagai sekolah di Indonesia. 

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Senin, 18 April 2016

Tugas Siswa TKJ Selama PKL

Untuk pelajaran Sistem Komputer dan Rancang Bangun Jaringan maka siswa kelas XI SMK N 2 Teluk kuantan Jurusan TKJ mengerjakan tugas :

Klik Tulisan di bawah ini :
Tugas XI TKJ 3

Untuk yang bertugas buletin bulan APRIL 2016, jika tidak mengumpulkan sampai 25 April 2016 maka akan mendapatkan sanksi
Indra Salith Nopria Safitri April 2016

Untuk buletin Mei 2016 supaya mengumpulkan pada minggu pertama Mei 2016
M. Da'in Ma'ruf Rahmi Rizky .B Mei 2016

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Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Mengikuti Promosi Mitsubisi

Mitsubisi mengadakan promosi dan mengambil tempat di Aula SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan, kebetulan saya ikut diundang karena sebagai salah satu guru SMK N 2 Teluk Kuantan.

Saya datang bersama anak Lutfi dan menikmati hiburan dan hidangan. Enaknya lagi pulangnya diberi doorprize yang lumayan.

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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Main Ke Padang

Pada hari jum'at 24 Oktober 2014 kamis ekeluarga pergi main ke Padang Sumatera Barat, berangkat dari Teluk Kuantan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi jam 13.30 dan sampai di Padang jan 20.30. Kami menginap di Hotel Metronas depan UPI YPTK Padang.

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Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Rafa Ikut Nonton Upacara

Alfiq Hafiz Rafaat ikut nonton upacara penurunan bendera merah putih di lapangan Limono Tteluk Kuantan dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI 2014.

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Jumat, 05 September 2014

Workshop On ISO/DIS 9001 : 2015

Saya mengikuti Workshop On ISO/DIS 9001 : 2015 yang diselenggarakan oleh Delta Pas Internasional, kegiatan diadakan di Wiswa Kinasih, Caringin, Bogor tanggal 4 s/d 6 September 2014.

Peserta sekitar 25 dari seluruh Indonesia, sebagian dari SMK, ada juga dari rumah sakit, perusahaan dan balai latihan.

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Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Zaki Membawa Bendera Saat Karnaval 2014

Pradeva Zaki Makarim mendapat tugas membawa bendera merah putih saat karnaval tingkat SMP pada hari senin 18 Agustus 2014 sore. Zaki sekolah di SMP N 2 Teluk Kuantan kelas IX.

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